Monday 7 October 2013


Oha soup is lovely Nigeria soup from the Igbo tribe. It is a great tasting soup and can be used to eat different types of solids (swallow) such as pounded yam, eba, semolina, fufu etc The easy steps to making this dish are given below.


Oha Leaves

Uziza Leaves

Uziza Seeds (spicy in nature)

Ede (Cocoyam)

Cow Meat


Smoked Fish

Cow skin (Ponmo)


Grinded Pepper (or preferably Yellow pepper)


Knorr Cubes

Ogiri (also known as locally mashed Dawadawa)

Palm Oil


Directions for Cooking

· Wash, season with salt and knorr cubes and cook the meat, stockfish and ponmo altogether.

· Wash all the cocoyam thoroughly to remove all the sand, then boil for 20 minutes, after which, remove the skin and pound in a mortar, it gives a thick paste.

· When meat is cooked to desired softness, then with the meat stock as water, add the ede paste into the stock, this serves as a thickener to the soup.

·  The other ingredients can be added, knorr cubes and little salt, grinded pepper, ugba, crayfish, little grinded uziza seeds should be added because of its spiciness, ogiri and smoked black fish.

· After cooking together for 7 minutes, add palm oil and stir well to make sure ede paste has completely melted in the soup.

· After cooking for another 3 minutes, then add the well washed oha and uziza leaves, allow to cook for 2 more minutes and the soup is served and ready to be enjoyed.

 Enjoy the mouthwatering dish with any solid ‎desired and have a sweet tasting experience.

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